Hợp âm Mercury – Counting Crows

She is [D]trapped inside a [G]month of [D]gray

And they take [D]a [G]little eve [D]ry day

She is a [D]victim of her [G]own responses

[D]Shackled to a heart that wants to [G]settle [D]and then runs away

It’s a [A]sin to be fading [G]endlessly

Yeah but she’s all [D]right with me

She is [D]leaving on a [G]walka [D]way

She is [D]leaving me in [G]disar [D]ray

In the [D]absence of a [G]place to be

She [D]stands there looking back at me, [G]hesitates, and then [D]turns away

She’ll change [A]so suddenly, she’s just like [G]mercury

Yeah, but she’s all [D]right with me

Keep some [D]sorrow in your [G]hearts and [D]minds

For the [D]things that die be [G]fore their [D]time

For the [D]restlessly a [G]bandoned homes

The [D]tired and weary rambler’s bones and [G]stay beside me [D]where I lie

She’s en [A]twined in me, crazy [G]as can be

Yeah, but she’s all [D]right with me

You know she’s all [G]right, she’s all right with [D]me

She’s all [G]right with me, she’s all [D]right with me

She’s all [D]right with me

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