Hợp âm Amazing grace

A – [G] maz – zing grace how [C] sweet the [G] sound
That saved a wretch like [D] me
I [G] once was lost but [C] now am [G] found
Was [Em] blind but [D] now I [G] see

“Twas [G] grace that taught my [C] heart to [G] fear
And grace my fears re – [D] lieved
How [G] pre – cious did that [C] grace ap – [G] pear
The [Em] hour I [D] first be – [G] lieved

Through [G] man – y dan – gers, [C] toils and [G] snares
I have alread – y [D] come
‘Tis [G] grace has brought me [C] safe thus [G] far
And [Em] grace will [D] lead me [G] home.

The [G] Lord has prom – ised [C] good to [G] me
His word my hope se – [D] cures
He [G] will my shield and [C] por – tion [G] be
As [Em] long as [D] life en – [G] dures

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