Hợp âm What I’ve Done – Linkin Park

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Linkin Park

[Intro:]In this[F#m] [F#[A]m][E]fa[Bm] re[(4x)]well [F#m]

There’s no [A]b lood

There’s [E]n o [Bm]ali bi

Cause I’ve [F#m]draw n regret

From the [A]tr uth

Of a [E]thou sand [Bm]li es


So let [D]mercy come

And [Em]was h away

What I’ve [F#m]done


I’ll [A]fac e [E]myse lf

To cross out [Bm]what I’ve [F#m]be come

[A]Er ase myself

And let go [Bm]o f what I’ve [F#m]do ne

Put to [A]re st

What you [E]t hought [Bm]of me

While I clean [F#m]t his slate

With [A]the hands of [E]u [Bm]ncertain ty

Back to: Pre-chorus

I’ll [A]f ace [E]mys elf

To cross out [Bm]w hat I’ve [F#m]beco me

[A]E rase [E]myse lf

And let go [Bm]o [C#m]f [D]w hat [E]i’ve [F#m]don e

[Interlude:]For [D]wh [[A]E][E]at[Bm] I’[F#m]ve [[A]F#[E]m][Bm]don[C#m] e

I’ll [A]st art [E]agai n

And [Bm]whatev er pain [F#m]may come

[A]To day this [E]e nds

I’m [Bm]forgiving what I’ve [F#m]do ne


W ha t [A]I’ [E]ve [F#m]don [Bm]e

Forgiving what I’ve done

[Coda; piano riff]A E F#m

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